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Bespoke Careers

05 May 2020

05 May 2020

Advice for clients conducting video interviews

The rise of the video meeting has become a daily occurrence since we moved to working and learning-from-home arrangements. Similarly, online video interviews should also be embraced when looking to hire new staff. 

When managed and prepared effectively, online video interviews can be just as successful as face-to-face interviews – you can gauge a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively, their ambition and motivation within their responses and additional factors that go beyond the information provided on a CV.   

Video interviews also provide you with access to candidates no matter where they are located.

Our top tips: 
  • Test the video software and internet connection before the interview to avoid any delays or a poor quality connection. 
  • Ensure there are no distractions (phone off or on silent) so that the candidate has your full attention, as they would if you were meeting them in the office
  • Ensure your background is professional and sets the right tone to appropriately reflect your business 
  • Introduce yourselves to the candidate by name and role
  • Structure the interview and manage expectations  – explain to the candidate how much time you’ve set aside for the interview, who else may be involved in the process.
  • Aim to have a natural flow of conversation, just as you would in person. Be conscious of not talking over the person and allow for slight lags in the internet connection. 
  • Just like a traditional in-person interview, ask open ended questions to get candidates to open up and talk about their experience in more detail and communicate their personality and approach
  • If reviewing their portfolio, suggest that they use the “sharescreen” function 
  • Smile! Remember that the candidates are interviewing you as much as you are interviewing them! 

Author: Georgie Brice, Principal - Architecture, Bespoke Careers

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